Ear Protection

Ear Protection

Quick Links to the products I mention below: Walker Razor Slims 

I love these!

Walker Razor Slims are my favorite hearing protection! (I’ve used 2 other brands in the past– Caldwell and Howard Leight– and these are better than both.) They sound clear and crisp.

They come in many different color options. “Light teal” is the name of the color I have.

The Magic

Electronic ear protection is awesome. There are built in mics that amplify the sound. That means you hear conversation on the range like normal– no shouting required.

Are you confused? Are you wondering how the heck it “protects” if it’s making it louder? The mics cut off momentarily when guns go bang to protect your ears. It’s magical!

The amplification works so well that I feel like I have “spidey senses” when I wear these. I can hear conversations 80 feet away!

Worth It

Electronic ear protection is more expensive than regular, non-electronic ear protection…like four to five times more expensive. However, if you are going to the range regularly (and I hope you are!) electronic ear protection is definitely worth the investment.

It is especially beneficial when you are paying to take training. You’ll be able to hear the instructor much better and likely get more out of the training as a result. 

Not Ready to Invest?

If you aren’t ready to invest in electronic ear protection quite yet, I understand. When you first get into this shooting world there are so many expenses as you get all your gear.

You can always upgrade your hearing protection later.

We recently ordered several pairs of non-electronic hearing protection to see which we liked best. We strongly prefered the Walkers EXT. We bought several pairs to lend students at our training classes.


1. Work hard on remembering to turn the power off when you take them off so you don’t waste the battery juice! Why oh why is this so hard? Ugh! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve forgotten. Which brings me to tip #2….

2. Keep plenty of extra batteries stocked in your range bag.

3. I always see people with them on backwards. 🙂 Wear them so that the little speakers/mic are facing forward and the power/volume knob is facing the back of your head.

4. Consider keeping a second pair in your range bag. I invite new-to-shooting friends to the range often. I carry a second pair of electronic ear protection in my range bag that I loan them. This allows us to talk “normal” and hear each other. Not necessary. But nice.

5. (I don’t follow my own advice on this one. Eek! I’m lazy, I guess. So do as I say and not as I do.) Protect your investment by keeping your electronic ears in a nice protective case (something like this). The wires at the top are a bit delicate. Throwing these in your range bag unprotected is asking for them to get damaged. I had to replace a pair because the wires got damaged and the amplification in one ear no longer worked.

Concealed Carry is a Lifestyle.

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I love having this website but it does cost money and time (so.much.time!) to maintain. Affiliate links are one way I earn money so that I can keep providing you with tons of helpful content.

Rest assured that I would never recommend any products that I didn’t use personally and totally love! (I'm an Enneagram Type 6 y'all. Loyalty is my core value.)